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Discover the Importance of Being Nice to Spiders with this Engaging Children's Book

Discover the Importance of Being Nice to Spiders with this Engaging Children's Book

Be Nice to Spiders is a delightful children's book about a spider-loving zookeeper who teaches others to appreciate these important creatures.

Are you scared of spiders? Do you immediately squish them or run away at the sight of one? If so, you may want to reconsider your actions after reading Be Nice to Spiders by Margaret Bloy Graham. This delightful children's book not only teaches kindness towards these eight-legged creatures but also sheds light on their important role in our ecosystem.

The story follows a little boy named Billy who visits the zoo and befriends a helpful spider named Helen. Together, they go on a journey through the zoo, with Helen using her webs to solve various problems along the way. The illustrations are charming and engaging, capturing both the beauty and the usefulness of spiders.

One of the most striking things about this book is how it reframes our perception of spiders. Instead of being creepy-crawly pests, they are portrayed as intelligent and resourceful creatures who are just trying to survive in their environment. The book also highlights the many benefits that spiders provide, such as controlling insect populations.

Be Nice to Spiders is not only a great read for children but also for adults who may have a fear or dislike of spiders. It can help to shift our attitudes towards these fascinating creatures and encourage us to treat them with respect and kindness.

Furthermore, the book also teaches valuable lessons about empathy and friendship. Billy learns to appreciate Helen for who she is, even though she may not be the same as him. He also learns that by being kind to others, we can create meaningful connections and enrich our lives.

The writing style is simple yet effective, making it easy for young readers to understand and enjoy. The book also includes fun facts about spiders at the end, adding an educational element to the story.

Another noteworthy aspect of Be Nice to Spiders is its relevance today. With climate change and habitat destruction threatening many species, it is more important than ever to appreciate and protect the creatures we share our planet with. This book can serve as a reminder of the interconnectedness of all living things and the importance of treating them with care.

The book also touches on the idea of overcoming fear. By getting to know Helen, Billy overcomes his initial fear of spiders and learns to see them in a new light. This message is especially relevant for children who may be afraid of spiders or other animals.

In terms of style, the book flows seamlessly from one scene to the next, using transitional phrases such as meanwhile and after a while to keep the story moving. The illustrations are also well-integrated into the text, adding depth and detail to the story.

Overall, Be Nice to Spiders is a charming and educational book that teaches valuable lessons about kindness, empathy, and the importance of protecting our environment. Whether you are a parent, teacher, or simply a lover of children's books, this one is definitely worth checking out.

So next time you see a spider, think twice before squishing it. Who knows, it may just be a helpful little creature like Helen from Be Nice to Spiders.


The book Be Nice to Spiders is a children's storybook written by Margaret Bloy Graham. The book was first published in 1967 and has been popular among young readers ever since. The story follows the adventures of a spider named Helen and her human friend, Billy. In this article, we will explore the themes and lessons that can be learned from this wonderful book.

The Story

The story begins with Billy's family moving to a new home. While exploring the new house, Billy discovers a spider in the basement. At first, he is scared of the spider but eventually, he becomes fascinated by it. He decides to name the spider Helen and visits her every day. As time goes on, Helen becomes an important part of Billy's life and he learns to appreciate her for who she is.

The Importance of Empathy

One of the main themes of the book is empathy. Billy learns to empathize with Helen and understand her point of view. This is an important lesson for children as it teaches them to be kind and understanding towards others, even if they are different from themselves.

Overcoming Fear

The book also shows how Billy overcomes his fear of spiders. Initially, he is frightened by Helen, but as he gets to know her, he realizes that she is not dangerous and there is no need to be scared of her. This lesson can help children overcome their own fears and learn to approach new situations with courage and an open mind.

The Value of Friendship

The friendship between Billy and Helen is another important theme in the book. Despite being very different from each other, they form a strong bond based on mutual respect and understanding. This teaches children the value of friendship and how it can enrich their lives.

Learning to Appreciate Nature

The book also encourages children to appreciate nature and all its creatures. Billy learns to see the beauty in Helen and how she contributes to the ecosystem of his new home. This lesson can inspire children to explore the world around them and develop a love for nature.

The Importance of Responsibility

Another lesson that can be learned from the book is the importance of responsibility. Billy takes on the responsibility of caring for Helen and ensuring her safety. This teaches children the importance of taking responsibility for their actions and looking out for others.

Caring for Animals

The book also shows how caring for animals can be rewarding and fulfilling. Billy takes great care of Helen and in return, he gets to observe her fascinating behavior and learn about her life. This can inspire children to take an interest in animals and become responsible pet owners in the future.

The Power of Observation

The book also highlights the power of observation. Billy spends a lot of time observing Helen and learning about her behavior. This teaches children the importance of paying attention to their surroundings and being curious about the world around them.

The Beauty of Small Things

The book also shows how small things can be beautiful and fascinating. Through his observations of Helen, Billy learns to appreciate the beauty in small details and the complexity of nature. This can inspire children to look at the world with wonder and curiosity.


In summary, Be Nice to Spiders is a wonderful children's book that teaches important lessons about empathy, overcoming fear, friendship, responsibility, and the value of nature. The book is beautifully illustrated and the story is engaging and entertaining. Reading this book with your child can be a fun and educational experience that will inspire them to be kind, curious, and responsible individuals.

The Wonder of Spiders

Spiders are remarkable creatures, and they have been the source of fascination and fear for centuries. With their eight legs, multiple eyes, and the ability to spin webs, these arachnids are truly unique in the animal kingdom. However, despite their importance in our ecosystem, spiders have often been maligned and misunderstood.

It is time to change that. In his book Be Nice to Spiders, author Margaret Bloy Graham explores the world of spiders and encourages readers to embrace these creatures instead of fearing them. Through her writing, she helps us understand why spiders are so important and how they can be beneficial to us in many ways.

Understanding the Importance of Spiders in Our Ecosystem

Spiders play a crucial role in our ecosystem. As predators, they help control the population of insects and other pests. Without spiders, our gardens and homes would be overrun with flies, mosquitoes, and other unwanted guests. Additionally, spiders are an essential part of the food chain, providing nourishment for other creatures such as birds and small mammals.

However, despite their importance, many people view spiders as nothing more than creepy crawlies that need to be eliminated. This attitude can be harmful not only to spiders but also to our environment. By understanding the vital role that spiders play, we can learn to appreciate and respect these creatures.

Overcoming Fear: Why We Should Be Nice to Spiders

For many people, the thought of spiders can induce fear and anxiety. This fear can be irrational, as most spiders are harmless and pose no threat to humans. However, it can still be challenging to overcome. Graham's book encourages readers to face their fears and learn more about spiders, which can help alleviate anxiety and promote understanding.

One way to overcome fear is to learn about the different types of spiders and their habits. By understanding more about these creatures, we can reduce our fear and even appreciate their unique characteristics. For example, the jumping spider, with its vibrant colors and playful behavior, is a favorite among many spider enthusiasts.

The Fascinating World of Arachnids

Spiders belong to the class Arachnida, which also includes scorpions, ticks, and mites. These creatures are diverse and fascinating, with unique adaptations that allow them to thrive in different environments. For example, some spiders have evolved to camouflage themselves to blend into their surroundings, while others have developed venom to subdue prey.

Graham's book explores the world of arachnids and helps readers appreciate the diversity of these creatures. By learning about the different types of spiders and their characteristics, we can gain a better understanding of their importance in our ecosystem.

Exploring the Different Types of Spiders

There are over 45,000 known species of spiders, each with its own unique characteristics. Graham's book introduces readers to some of the most common types of spiders, including the orb-weaver spider, the cellar spider, and the wolf spider.

By exploring the different types of spiders, readers can learn about their habits, behaviors, and habitats. For example, the orb-weaver spider is known for its intricate webs, while the wolf spider is a solitary hunter that does not build webs.

Spiders as Helpers: How They Control Pest Populations

As mentioned earlier, spiders play a crucial role in controlling pest populations. They are natural predators that feed on insects such as flies, mosquitoes, and ants. By keeping these populations in check, spiders help maintain the balance of our ecosystem and reduce the need for harmful pesticides.

Additionally, spiders can be useful in controlling pests in our homes and gardens. By encouraging spiders to live in these spaces, we can reduce the need for chemical insecticides and create a more natural environment.

Tips for Encouraging Spiders in Your Home and Garden

If you are interested in promoting spider populations in your home and garden, there are several things you can do. Firstly, avoid using chemical insecticides that can harm spiders and other beneficial insects. Instead, try using natural pest control methods such as companion planting or introducing beneficial insects like ladybugs.

You can also create a spider-friendly environment by providing suitable habitats such as piles of leaves or rocks. Additionally, keeping your home clutter-free and clean can discourage pests and attract spiders that can help control them.

The Benefits of Having Spiders in Our Environment

By appreciating and respecting spiders, we can reap many benefits. These include reduced pest populations, a more natural and balanced environment, and the enjoyment of observing these fascinating creatures. Additionally, by reducing our use of harmful pesticides and promoting natural pest control methods, we can create a healthier and more sustainable environment for ourselves and future generations.

Spider Myths and Misconceptions Debunked

There are many myths and misconceptions about spiders that can be harmful and misleading. For example, the belief that all spiders are venomous or that they are out to bite humans is simply not true. Most spiders are harmless and only bite as a last resort when threatened.

Graham's book helps debunk some of these myths and encourages readers to approach spiders with a more accurate understanding of their behavior and characteristics.

Promoting Compassion: Why We Should Treat Spiders with Respect

Ultimately, Be Nice to Spiders is about promoting compassion and respect for all living creatures. By understanding the importance of spiders in our ecosystem and appreciating their unique characteristics, we can learn to approach them with kindness and empathy.

By treating spiders with respect, we can create a more harmonious and sustainable environment for ourselves and the natural world around us. So the next time you see a spider, instead of reaching for the insecticide, try to appreciate the wonder and beauty of this incredible creature.

In Conclusion

Spiders are remarkable creatures that play a vital role in our ecosystem. By understanding their importance and appreciating their unique characteristics, we can promote a more compassionate and sustainable approach to pest control. Graham's book Be Nice to Spiders is an excellent resource for learning more about these fascinating creatures and promoting a more positive relationship with them.

Point of view on Be Nice to Spiders Book


Be Nice to Spiders is a children's book written by Margaret Bloy Graham, which aims to promote a positive attitude towards spiders. It tells the story of a spider named Helen who lives in the zoo and helps keep the insect population under control.


- The book teaches children to appreciate the role spiders play in nature, and that they are not to be feared.- The illustrations are colorful and engaging, making it easy for children to relate to the story.- The book can help reduce arachnophobia in children and adults alike.


- Some children may still feel uncomfortable around spiders, even after reading the book.- The story only focuses on one species of spider (the common garden spider) and does not provide information on other types of spiders.- The book may not be suitable for children who are too young to understand its message.

Comparison of Spider Species

Here is a table comparing some common species of spiders:

Spider Size Habitat Behavior
Common garden spider 1/2 - 1 inch Gardens, fields, meadows Builds orb webs to catch insects
Black widow spider 1/2 inch Dark, enclosed spaces Potentially dangerous bite to humans
Wolf spider 1/2 - 2 inches Fields, gardens, forests Hunts prey on the ground
Jumping spider 1/4 - 3/4 inch Grasslands, forests, homes Uses quick, agile movements to catch prey


Overall, Be Nice to Spiders is a useful tool for helping children overcome their fear of spiders and appreciate their importance in nature. However, it is important to note that not all species of spiders are harmless, and caution should always be taken around them.

Be Nice to Spiders: A Book that will Change Your Perception of Arachnids

Dear Visitors,

If you are reading this closing message, it means that you have taken the time to explore our blog post about the book Be Nice to Spiders. We hope that you found the article informative and engaging and that it has sparked your interest in learning more about these fascinating creatures.

As we've discussed throughout the article, spiders are often misunderstood and feared. However, the book Be Nice to Spiders aims to change that perception by showcasing the important role that spiders play in our ecosystem and how they can actually be beneficial to us.

The author of the book, Margaret Bloy Graham, takes a unique approach by telling the story of a spider named Helen who lives in a zoo and helps keep the animal exhibits clean by catching insects. Through Helen's story, readers learn about the different types of spiders and their behavior, as well as the importance of respecting and appreciating these creatures.

One of the key takeaways from the book is that spiders are not only harmless but also helpful. They are natural pest control agents that can reduce the population of harmful insects in our homes and gardens. By being nice to spiders and allowing them to live in our environment, we can actually create a more balanced and healthy ecosystem.

Another important lesson from the book is that fear and ignorance can lead to unnecessary harm to spiders. Many people resort to killing spiders out of fear or misunderstanding, but this can do more harm than good. By taking the time to learn about spiders and their benefits, we can overcome our fear and appreciate their role in our environment.

Overall, Be Nice to Spiders is a valuable resource for anyone looking to learn more about these fascinating creatures. It is a great book for children and adults alike, as it presents information in an engaging and accessible way. If you are interested in learning more about spiders or want to change your perception of these creatures, we highly recommend checking out this book.

We hope that this blog post has inspired you to take a closer look at spiders and the important role they play in our ecosystem. Remember, spiders are not something to fear but rather something to appreciate and respect. By being nice to spiders, we can create a healthier and more balanced environment for ourselves and for future generations.

Thank you for taking the time to read our blog post about Be Nice to Spiders. We hope to see you again soon!

People Also Ask About Be Nice to Spiders Book

What is the Be Nice to Spiders book about?

The Be Nice to Spiders book is a children's book written by Margaret Bloy Graham, which tells the story of a spider named Helen who lives in the zoo. The book teaches children about kindness and empathy towards animals, specifically spiders.

What age group is the book appropriate for?

The Be Nice to Spiders book is recommended for children aged 4 to 8 years old.

Is the book available in different languages?

Yes, the Be Nice to Spiders book is available in various languages including Spanish, German, French, and Italian.

What are the benefits of reading the Be Nice to Spiders book?

  • Teaches children about kindness towards animals
  • Helps children overcome their fear of spiders
  • Encourages empathy and compassion towards all living creatures
  • Promotes literacy and reading comprehension skills

Where can I purchase the Be Nice to Spiders book?

The Be Nice to Spiders book is available for purchase online on websites such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Book Depository. It is also available in some local bookstores.