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Discover the Controversial Journey of 'Pray the Gay Away' Book: A Deep Dive into Conversion Therapy and its Impact on LGBTQ+ Community

Discover the Controversial Journey of 'Pray the Gay Away' Book: A Deep Dive into Conversion Therapy and its Impact on LGBTQ+ Community

Pray the Gay Away is a memoir by Garrard Conley, detailing his experience with conversion therapy and coming to terms with his sexuality.

Pray the Gay Away is a controversial book that delves into the world of conversion therapy, a practice that aims to cure individuals of their homosexuality. Written by a former participant of such programs, the book sheds light on the damaging effects of conversion therapy and the toll it takes on one's mental health. With each turn of the page, readers are taken on a journey filled with heartbreak, pain, and ultimately, self-discovery. The author's raw and honest account of their experiences is sure to leave readers questioning the ethics behind conversion therapy and the harm it causes to members of the LGBTQ+ community.At the start of the book, the author takes readers back to their childhood, where they struggled to come to terms with their sexuality. Growing up in a conservative household, the author was taught that being gay was wrong and sinful. As a result, they attempted to suppress their feelings, hoping that they would eventually disappear. However, as they entered their teenage years, the author found themselves increasingly drawn to individuals of the same sex. This internal conflict led them to seek out conversion therapy, which they believed would help them become normal.The author's experience with conversion therapy is nothing short of harrowing. From group sessions where participants were encouraged to share their most intimate thoughts, to one-on-one meetings with therapists who promised to pray the gay away, the author endured a great deal of trauma. They describe feeling isolated and alone, as though they were the only person in the world struggling with their sexuality. The author's recounting of these experiences is bound to leave readers feeling angry and frustrated at the harm that conversion therapy can cause.Despite the trauma they endured, the author eventually came to the realization that they could not change who they were. They began to accept their sexuality and seek out a community of like-minded individuals who could offer support and love. This journey towards self-acceptance is one of the most powerful aspects of the book, as readers witness the author's growth and transformation.Pray the Gay Away is an important book that sheds light on a practice that is still legal in many parts of the world. The author's firsthand account of their experiences is sure to leave a lasting impact on readers, challenging them to question the ethics behind conversion therapy and advocating for the rights of LGBTQ+ individuals. As the author writes, I hope that by sharing my story, I can help others who may be struggling with their sexuality. No one should have to endure what I went through.

The Controversial Book of “Pray the Gay Away”

The book “Pray the Gay Away” is a memoir written by Brianna Albers, who was raised in an extremely religious household. Her parents were devout Catholics who believed that homosexuality was a sin. The memoir recounts her journey towards accepting herself as a lesbian, despite the pressures and disapproval of her family and religion.

The Premise of the Book

The book details Albers’ experiences growing up in a strict Catholic household where she was taught that same-sex attractions are sinful and immoral. She spent most of her childhood trying to suppress her feelings and praying to God to make them go away. However, despite her best efforts, her attraction to other girls only intensified with time.

As she entered her teenage years, Albers became increasingly aware of her sexuality and the conflict it caused within herself. She struggled to reconcile her faith with her feelings, feeling guilty and ashamed of her desires. However, as she began to explore her sexuality further and fall in love with other girls, she realized that there was nothing wrong with who she was.

The Impact of Religion on Sexual Orientation

In “Pray the Gay Away,” Albers explores the impact that religion can have on a person’s sexual orientation. She highlights how many religious institutions view homosexuality as a sin and how this can lead to significant harm for LGBTQ+ individuals. When someone is taught that their very nature is sinful and wrong, it can cause immense psychological damage and lead to self-hatred and shame.

Albers’ story is not unique. Many LGBTQ+ individuals struggle with the impact of religion on their sexuality, particularly those who come from conservative or fundamentalist backgrounds. The message that homosexuality is a sin can be incredibly damaging, leading to depression, anxiety, and even suicide.

The Importance of Self-Acceptance

One of the key themes in “Pray the Gay Away” is the importance of self-acceptance. Albers’ journey towards accepting herself as a lesbian was a challenging one, but ultimately, it led to a greater sense of peace and happiness. She learned that she didn’t have to suppress her feelings or change who she was to please others, and that by being true to herself, she could live a more fulfilling life.

Self-acceptance is crucial for anyone, but it’s especially important for LGBTQ+ individuals who may face discrimination and prejudice from others. By accepting ourselves for who we are, we can build resilience and find the strength to stand up to those who would seek to harm us.

The Need for More LGBTQ+ Voices

“Pray the Gay Away” is an essential addition to the canon of LGBTQ+ literature. It highlights the experiences of someone who has struggled with their sexuality in the face of religious opposition, and it gives voice to a perspective that is often silenced.

More LGBTQ+ voices are needed in the world today. By sharing our stories and experiences, we can help others who may be struggling with their sexuality or gender identity. We can create a sense of community and support that can be incredibly valuable for those who feel alone or isolated.

The Role of Allies

Another critical theme in “Pray the Gay Away” is the importance of allies. Albers was fortunate enough to have friends and family members who supported her and accepted her for who she was, despite their religious beliefs. Their love and acceptance helped her through some of the darkest moments of her life.

Allies play a crucial role in the fight for LGBTQ+ equality. By standing up against discrimination and prejudice, they can help create a more inclusive and accepting society. Allies can provide a sense of safety and support for LGBTQ+ individuals, helping to counteract the harm caused by bigotry and hate.

The Need for Change

Ultimately, “Pray the Gay Away” is a call to action. It highlights the need for change in our society, particularly when it comes to attitudes towards LGBTQ+ individuals. We need to create a world where people can be who they are without fear of discrimination or harm, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Change is possible, but it requires effort and dedication from everyone. We all have a role to play in creating a world that is more accepting and inclusive. By listening to the voices of those who have been silenced and marginalized, we can work towards a brighter future for all.


“Pray the Gay Away” is a powerful memoir that sheds light on the struggles faced by many LGBTQ+ individuals who come from religious backgrounds. It highlights the importance of self-acceptance, allies, and the need for change in our society. By sharing her story, Albers has given voice to a perspective that is often ignored or silenced. Her words serve as a reminder that we must continue to fight for LGBTQ+ rights and equality, so that everyone can live their lives authentically and without fear.

Introduction to the Controversial Topic of Conversion Therapy

Conversion therapy, also known as reparative therapy or sexual orientation change efforts (SOCE), is a widely debated and controversial practice that aims to change an individual's sexual orientation or gender identity. This practice has been condemned by numerous medical and mental health organizations, including the American Psychological Association and the World Health Organization, as it has been found to be ineffective and harmful to LGBTQ+ individuals.Despite this, there are still individuals and organizations that promote and practice conversion therapy. One such organization is Exodus International, which was once the largest ex-gay Christian organization in the world. In 2013, the organization's president, Alan Chambers, issued an apology for the harm caused by their practices and announced the closure of the organization.The topic of conversion therapy has also been explored in popular culture, including in the book Pray the Gay Away by Michael Glatze, which details his personal experience with attempting to change his sexual orientation.

The Author's Personal Experience with Attempting to Change Their Sexual Orientation

Michael Glatze was a prominent figure in the gay community, serving as the editor-in-chief of the popular gay magazine XY. However, in 2007, he publicly renounced his homosexuality and became a proponent of conservative Christianity. Glatze's journey towards embracing his new identity is chronicled in his book Pray the Gay Away.In the book, Glatze describes how he struggled with his sexuality for years, feeling conflicted between his religious beliefs and his attraction to men. He eventually turned to conversion therapy, hoping to change his sexual orientation and live according to his religious beliefs.Glatze's experience with conversion therapy was not a positive one. He describes feeling isolated and unsupported, with therapists telling him that his homosexuality was a result of childhood trauma and that he needed to heal from his past in order to become straight. Glatze also experienced depression and anxiety as a result of the therapy, with his mental health deteriorating over time.

Examining the Harmful Effects of Conversion Therapy on LGBTQ+ Individuals

Glatze's experience is not unique, as many LGBTQ+ individuals have reported similar negative experiences with conversion therapy. According to the American Psychological Association, conversion therapy has been linked to numerous negative outcomes, including depression, anxiety, self-harm, and suicide.Conversion therapy can also lead to feelings of shame and guilt, as individuals are made to feel that their sexuality or gender identity is wrong or sinful. This can lead to a lack of self-acceptance and can hinder an individual's ability to build healthy relationships and live authentically.Furthermore, conversion therapy is often based on the false assumption that homosexuality or transgender identity is a choice, rather than a natural aspect of a person's identity. This perpetuates harmful stereotypes and contributes to the stigmatization of LGBTQ+ individuals.

The History and Evolution of the Pray the Gay Away Movement

The pray the gay away movement has its roots in conservative Christianity, with many proponents believing that homosexuality is a sin and that individuals can change their sexual orientation through prayer and faith. The movement gained traction in the 1970s and 1980s, with the founding of organizations such as Exodus International.Over time, the movement has faced increasing criticism and condemnation from medical and mental health organizations, as well as from LGBTQ+ activists and allies. In recent years, many states and countries have banned conversion therapy for minors, recognizing the harm it can cause to vulnerable populations.Despite this, the pray the gay away movement continues to exist in some communities, perpetuating harmful stereotypes and promoting practices that have been proven to be ineffective and harmful.

The Role of Religion and Faith in Conversion Therapy Practices

Religion and faith play a significant role in many conversion therapy practices, with many proponents of the pray the gay away movement believing that homosexuality is a sin that can be cured through prayer and religious practice.However, many religious leaders and organizations have spoken out against conversion therapy, recognizing the harm it can cause to vulnerable individuals. In 2015, Pope Francis stated that the Church does not condemn homosexual people, but it condemns the act, signaling a shift towards a more accepting and inclusive stance towards LGBTQ+ individuals.Furthermore, many LGBTQ+ individuals have found acceptance and support within their faith communities, with some religious organizations explicitly welcoming and affirming LGBTQ+ individuals.

The Intersectionality of Race, Gender Identity, and Sexual Orientation in Conversion Therapy

It is important to recognize that not all LGBTQ+ individuals have the same experiences with conversion therapy. The intersectionality of race, gender identity, and sexual orientation can impact an individual's experience with conversion therapy, as well as their overall experiences with discrimination and marginalization.For example, LGBTQ+ individuals of color may face additional stigma and discrimination due to their race, which can compound the negative effects of conversion therapy. Transgender individuals may also face unique challenges, as conversion therapy may focus on changing their gender identity rather than their sexual orientation.It is important to approach the issue of conversion therapy with an intersectional lens, recognizing the diverse experiences and needs of LGBTQ+ individuals.

The Legal Battles Surrounding the Practice of Conversion Therapy

In recent years, there have been numerous legal battles surrounding the practice of conversion therapy. Many states and countries have banned conversion therapy for minors, recognizing the harm it can cause to vulnerable populations.However, there are still some states and countries where conversion therapy remains legal, and there are ongoing efforts to challenge these laws and promote greater protections for LGBTQ+ individuals.Additionally, there have been legal challenges to organizations that promote and practice conversion therapy, with some individuals and advocacy groups seeking to hold these organizations accountable for the harm they have caused.

The Importance of Mental Health Support for LGBTQ+ Individuals Navigating Conversion Therapy Trauma

For those who have experienced conversion therapy, it is important to seek out mental health support in order to process and heal from the trauma they have endured. This may include therapy, support groups, or other forms of mental health care.It is also important for mental health practitioners to be knowledgeable about the harmful effects of conversion therapy and to provide affirming and supportive care for LGBTQ+ individuals.

The Ongoing Fight for LGBTQ+ Rights and Acceptance in Society

The fight for LGBTQ+ rights and acceptance in society is ongoing, with many individuals and organizations working towards greater equality and inclusion. This includes efforts to ban conversion therapy, promote anti-discrimination laws, and increase access to healthcare and other resources for LGBTQ+ individuals.It is important for allies to educate themselves about the issues facing the LGBTQ+ community and to take action to support and advocate for LGBTQ+ rights.

The Power of Personal Acceptance and Self-Love in Overcoming Conversion Therapy

Despite the harm caused by conversion therapy, many LGBTQ+ individuals have found healing and acceptance through personal acceptance and self-love. By embracing their true selves and rejecting the harmful messages of conversion therapy, individuals can reclaim their power and live authentically.It is important for LGBTQ+ individuals to have a supportive community of friends, family, and allies who can provide love and acceptance, as well as professional support from mental health practitioners who are knowledgeable about the unique experiences and needs of LGBTQ+ individuals.In conclusion, the practice of conversion therapy has been widely condemned by medical and mental health organizations as ineffective and harmful to LGBTQ+ individuals. The pray the gay away movement has its roots in conservative Christianity and promotes harmful stereotypes about LGBTQ+ individuals. It is important to approach the issue of conversion therapy with an intersectional lens, recognizing the diverse experiences and needs of LGBTQ+ individuals. The fight for LGBTQ+ rights and acceptance in society is ongoing, and it is important for allies to educate themselves and take action to support and advocate for LGBTQ+ individuals. Through personal acceptance and self-love, individuals can overcome the trauma of conversion therapy and live authentically.

Point of View on Pray the Gay Away Book


The book Pray the Gay Away is a controversial memoir that describes the author's experience with conversion therapy. The book has sparked a heated debate about the efficacy and ethics of conversion therapy, which attempts to change a person's sexual orientation or gender identity. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of Pray the Gay Away and the practice of conversion therapy.

Pros of Pray the Gay Away

The following are some of the potential benefits of reading Pray the Gay Away book:

  1. It provides an insight into the experiences of people who have undergone conversion therapy.
  2. It may help individuals struggling with their sexual orientation or gender identity to feel less alone.
  3. It may challenge readers to think critically about the effectiveness and morality of conversion therapy.

Cons of Pray the Gay Away

The following are some of the potential drawbacks of Pray the Gay Away book:

  1. The book might be triggering for people who have experienced trauma related to conversion therapy.
  2. It may perpetuate harmful stereotypes and misconceptions about LGBTQ+ individuals.
  3. It may give credibility to a practice that has been widely discredited by medical and mental health professionals as ineffective and harmful.

Comparison of Conversion Therapy and Acceptance Therapy

To understand the harmful nature of conversion therapy, it is essential to compare it with acceptance therapy. The following table illustrates the key differences between the two approaches:

Conversion Therapy Acceptance Therapy
Goal To change a person's sexual orientation or gender identity. To help individuals accept and embrace their sexual orientation or gender identity.
Methods Includes talk therapy, aversion therapy, and other behavioral techniques to alter the individual's sexual attractions and behaviors. Includes supportive counseling, education, and family therapy to promote self-acceptance and reduce internalized stigma.
Ethics Conversion therapy is widely considered unethical by medical and mental health professionals due to its potential for harm and lack of scientific basis. Acceptance therapy is considered ethical and respectful of individuals' autonomy and right to self-determination.


In conclusion, Pray the Gay Away book portrays the harmful and ineffective nature of conversion therapy. It is crucial to respect individuals' sexual orientation and gender identity and promote acceptance rather than discrimination and stigmatization.

Praying the Gay Away: A Book You Should Read

Dear blog visitors,

If you're reading this, it's likely that you have come across the book Pray the Gay Away. The book, written by a former Christian pastor, tells the story of his journey from being a devout Christian to accepting his sexuality as a gay man.

As someone who has read this book, I highly recommend it to anyone who is struggling with their sexuality or knows someone who is. The author's story is both heartbreaking and inspiring, and it sheds light on the damage that can be caused by the harmful practice of conversion therapy.

The book begins with the author's childhood, growing up in a strict Christian household where homosexuality was seen as a sin. He shares how he struggled with his attraction to other boys and how he tried to suppress those feelings for years. He even went so far as to marry a woman in an attempt to cure himself of his homosexuality.

However, as time went on, the author began to realize that he couldn't continue living a lie. He eventually came out to his wife and family, which led to him losing his job as a pastor and being shunned by his community.

The author's story is not unique. Many LGBTQ+ individuals grow up in religious households and are taught that their sexuality is something to be ashamed of. They may feel like they have to choose between their faith and their identity, which can be an incredibly difficult decision to make.

Pray the Gay Away is an important book because it shows that it is possible to reconcile one's faith with their sexuality. The author eventually found a church community that accepted him for who he was, and he now works as an advocate for LGBTQ+ rights.

The book also sheds light on the dangers of conversion therapy, which is a harmful practice that attempts to change a person's sexual orientation or gender identity. Conversion therapy has been widely discredited by medical professionals and can cause significant harm to those who undergo it.

Throughout the book, the author shares stories of individuals who have undergone conversion therapy and the devastating effects it had on their lives. He also highlights the need for legislation to ban conversion therapy, which is still legal in some states.

Overall, Pray the Gay Away is a powerful and important book that everyone should read. It shows that it is possible to be both LGBTQ+ and a person of faith, and it sheds light on the harm caused by conversion therapy. If you or someone you know is struggling with their sexuality, I encourage you to read this book and know that you are not alone.

Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts on this important topic. I hope that this book will bring comfort and hope to those who need it.


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People Also Ask About Pray the Gay Away Book

What is the Pray the Gay Away book about?

The Pray the Gay Away book is a memoir written by Garrard Conley, detailing his experiences as a young man growing up in a conservative Baptist family in Arkansas and undergoing gay conversion therapy. The book explores themes of identity, sexuality, religion, and family dynamics.

Is Pray the Gay Away a true story?

Yes, Pray the Gay Away is a true story based on author Garrard Conley's experiences.

What is gay conversion therapy?

Gay conversion therapy, also known as reparative therapy, is a controversial practice that seeks to change an individual's sexual orientation from homosexual to heterosexual. It often involves religious or psychological interventions and has been widely criticized by medical professionals and LGBTQ+ advocacy groups for being ineffective and harmful.

Why is Pray the Gay Away important?

Pray the Gay Away is important because it sheds light on the harmful effects of gay conversion therapy and the importance of acceptance and support for LGBTQ+ individuals. The book offers a personal perspective on the damaging effects of trying to change one's sexual orientation and highlights the need for greater awareness and understanding of LGBTQ+ issues.

Has Pray the Gay Away been adapted into a film or TV series?

Yes, Pray the Gay Away was adapted into a film titled Boy Erased in 2018, directed by Joel Edgerton and starring Lucas Hedges, Nicole Kidman, and Russell Crowe. The film received critical acclaim and brought further attention to the issue of gay conversion therapy.