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Unlocking the Power of Goodness: Exploring the 3.5 Edition Book of Exalted Deeds

Unlocking the Power of Goodness: Exploring the 3.5 Edition Book of Exalted Deeds

3.5 Book of Exalted Deeds is a must-have for any Dungeons & Dragons player looking to bring goodness and righteousness to their campaign.

The 3.5 Book of Exalted Deeds is a fascinating and intricate guide to the virtuous and noble aspects of Dungeons & Dragons. This book delves into the world of good characters, exploring their motivations, beliefs, and actions. The Book of Exalted Deeds is a must-read for players who wish to create morally upright characters and for Dungeon Masters who want to incorporate more positive themes into their campaigns.

One of the most intriguing aspects of the Book of Exalted Deeds is its exploration of the concept of goodness. The book defines goodness as a multifaceted trait that includes compassion, selflessness, and honor. Unlike many other RPGs, Dungeons & Dragons places a great deal of emphasis on morality, and the Book of Exalted Deeds offers a comprehensive guide to navigating this complex system.

In addition to exploring the nature of goodness, the Book of Exalted Deeds provides a wealth of information on the various good-aligned deities, both major and minor. Each deity is given a detailed description, including their history, domains, and favored weapons. The book also includes new spells, feats, and prestige classes that are specifically designed for characters who follow the path of righteousness.

One of the standout features of the Book of Exalted Deeds is its discussion of paladins. Paladins are often seen as the epitome of goodness in Dungeons & Dragons, and this book provides an in-depth look at what it means to be a paladin. The book covers everything from the paladin's code of conduct to their unique abilities and spells.

Another interesting aspect of the Book of Exalted Deeds is its examination of the relationship between good and evil. The book argues that good and evil are not simply opposite ends of a spectrum, but rather two distinct philosophies that are fundamentally incompatible. The book discusses the various ways that evil can corrupt and undermine goodness, and provides guidance on how to recognize and combat these influences.

Along with its philosophical discussions, the Book of Exalted Deeds is also packed with practical advice for players and Dungeon Masters alike. The book includes tips on creating good-aligned NPCs, running campaigns that focus on positive themes, and incorporating moral dilemmas into your games. Whether you're a seasoned player or a new Dungeon Master, the Book of Exalted Deeds has something to offer.

The Book of Exalted Deeds is not without its controversies, however. Some players and Dungeon Masters have criticized the book for being too preachy or heavy-handed in its approach to morality. Others have argued that the book's emphasis on goodness and light can make it difficult to create nuanced or morally ambiguous characters.

Despite these criticisms, the Book of Exalted Deeds remains one of the most influential and thought-provoking supplements in Dungeons & Dragons history. Its exploration of goodness and virtue continues to inspire players and Dungeon Masters to this day, and its impact on the game's moral landscape cannot be overstated.

In conclusion, the 3.5 Book of Exalted Deeds is an essential read for anyone interested in exploring the virtuous side of Dungeons & Dragons. Whether you're a player who wants to create a hero who embodies the best of humanity, or a Dungeon Master who wants to create a campaign that celebrates goodness and light, this book has something to offer. So pick up a copy today and discover the power of the Exalted Deeds!


The Book of Exalted Deeds is a supplement book for the 3.5 edition of the Dungeons and Dragons game. It is a book that focuses on good-aligned characters and their abilities, spells, and equipment. The book is divided into different sections, each with its own set of rules and guidelines. In this article, we will be discussing the contents of the book and how it can be used in your D&D game.

The Three Paths

The Book of Exalted Deeds introduces three new paths that players can take to become more powerful. These paths are the path of the Exemplar, the path of the Celestial Beacon, and the path of the Divine Oracle.

The Path of the Exemplar

The path of the Exemplar is for characters who believe in leading by example. They are natural leaders who inspire others to do good and follow in their footsteps. This path gives characters abilities such as inspiring courage in allies, granting bonuses to saving throws, and even resurrecting allies.

The Path of the Celestial Beacon

The path of the Celestial Beacon is for characters who want to become beacons of hope and light in the world. These characters are often clerics or paladins who spread the word of their deity through their actions. This path gives characters abilities such as radiating holy light, creating barriers of protection, and even summoning celestial creatures to fight for them.

The Path of the Divine Oracle

The path of the Divine Oracle is for characters who have a special connection to their deity. These characters are often prophets or seers who can see into the future and predict events. This path gives characters abilities such as divination spells, the ability to see invisible creatures, and even the power to grant wishes.

Spells and Equipment

The Book of Exalted Deeds also introduces new spells and equipment for good-aligned characters. These spells and equipment are designed to help characters fight evil and protect the innocent.


Some of the new spells introduced in the book include spells that can heal large groups of people, spells that can smite evil creatures with divine power, and spells that can purify water and food.


The new equipment introduced in the book includes weapons that deal extra damage to evil creatures, armor that can protect against evil spells, and even holy symbols that can grant bonuses to spellcasting.

Code of Conduct

The Book of Exalted Deeds also outlines a strict code of conduct that good-aligned characters must follow. This code includes rules such as never lying, never stealing, and always helping those in need. Good-aligned characters who break this code risk losing their powers and abilities.

Enemies of Good

The Book of Exalted Deeds also introduces new enemies for good-aligned characters to fight. These enemies include demons, devils, and other evil creatures that seek to destroy all that is good in the world.


In conclusion, the Book of Exalted Deeds is an essential supplement book for any D&D player who wants to play a good-aligned character. The book introduces new paths, spells, and equipment that can help players become more powerful and fight evil. However, players must also follow a strict code of conduct and be prepared to face powerful enemies. With the right mindset and strategy, players can use the Book of Exalted Deeds to become true champions of good in their D&D game.

Introduction to the Book of Exalted Deeds

The Book of Exalted Deeds is a supplement for the third edition of Dungeons & Dragons that was released in 2003. It is a guidebook that focuses on the concept of goodness and morality in the game, and seeks to provide players with a set of guidelines for playing good-aligned characters. The book includes new rules, spells, and magical items that are meant to enhance the gameplay experience for players who want to explore the world of righteousness and honor.

Understanding the Alignment System in D&D

In Dungeons & Dragons, the alignment system is a way to categorize characters based on their moral and ethical beliefs. There are nine possible alignments, which are combinations of three different axes: Good vs. Evil, Lawful vs. Chaotic, and Neutral. Good-aligned characters are typically compassionate, honorable, and selfless, while evil-aligned characters are cruel, selfish, and malicious. Lawful characters value order and structure, while chaotic characters prioritize personal freedom and spontaneity. Neutral characters fall somewhere in between these extremes.

The Importance of Good Deeds in the Game

Playing a good-aligned character comes with certain responsibilities. Good characters are expected to act in ways that promote the greater good and uphold moral principles. This means that they must often make difficult choices and sacrifice their own interests for the sake of others. However, performing good deeds can also be rewarding in its own right, as it can lead to increased power, reputation, and respect from other characters in the game.

Tips for Playing a Good-Aligned Character

If you are interested in playing a good-aligned character, there are some tips that can help you to stay true to your character's values. First, think about what motivates your character to do good. Is it a sense of duty, a desire for justice, or a belief in a higher power? Second, consider the consequences of your character's actions. Will they help others, or cause harm? Finally, remember that playing a good-aligned character does not mean that you have to be perfect. Everyone makes mistakes, and what is important is that you learn from them and strive to do better.

The Role of Paladins in the Book of Exalted Deeds

Paladins are a class of characters in Dungeons & Dragons that are known for their unwavering devotion to the cause of good. They are often seen as the epitome of the virtuous hero, and are expected to uphold the highest standards of conduct. In the Book of Exalted Deeds, paladins are given special attention, with new rules and abilities that reflect their status as champions of goodness.

The Powers of Celestials and their Influence on the Game

Celestials are powerful beings that are aligned with the forces of good. They are often associated with angels and other divine beings, and are known for their purity and righteousness. In the Book of Exalted Deeds, celestials are given a prominent role, with new spells, magic items, and rules that allow players to tap into their power. This can be especially useful for players who want to create characters that are devoted to the cause of good.

The Benefits of Performing Exalted Deeds

One of the key themes of the Book of Exalted Deeds is the idea that performing good deeds can lead to tangible rewards. These rewards can take many forms, such as increased power, improved reputation, or even access to new abilities and spells. By encouraging players to act in ways that are consistent with their character's alignment, the book provides a framework for players to explore the morality of their characters and the world around them.

Examples of Exalted Deeds to Inspire Players

The Book of Exalted Deeds provides a wealth of examples of actions that are considered good and virtuous. Some examples include: helping the poor and needy, protecting the innocent from harm, standing up against injustice, and upholding the law. By providing concrete examples of what it means to be good, the book can help players to develop a deeper understanding of their character's moral code and motivations.

Using the Book of Exalted Deeds in Campaigns and Adventures

The Book of Exalted Deeds can be used in a variety of ways in Dungeons & Dragons campaigns and adventures. For example, it can be used as a source of inspiration for players who want to create good-aligned characters, or as a way to introduce new rules and abilities into the game. The book can also be used as a tool for game masters who want to create adventures that focus on themes of goodness and morality.

The Impact of the Book of Exalted Deeds on D&D Lore and Culture

The Book of Exalted Deeds has had a significant impact on the lore and culture of Dungeons & Dragons. It has helped to establish the idea that playing good-aligned characters can be just as rewarding and interesting as playing evil-aligned characters. It has also provided a framework for exploring the morality of the game, and has helped to promote the idea that ethical considerations can be just as important as combat and strategy in Dungeons & Dragons. Overall, the Book of Exalted Deeds is a valuable resource for players and game masters alike, and has helped to shape the way that we think about morality and ethics in the world of tabletop gaming.

Point of View on 3.5 Book of Exalted Deeds

Overview of 3.5 Book of Exalted Deeds

The 3.5 Book of Exalted Deeds is a supplementary rulebook for Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 edition. It introduces the concept of exalted characters, who are champions of good and righteousness. The book provides new character classes, feats, spells, and magical items that cater to this theme.

Pros of 3.5 Book of Exalted Deeds

1. Adds depth to the game: The book provides additional options for players who want to create heroic characters that embody the ideals of good.2. Balanced gameplay: The exalted mechanics are well thought out and balanced against other character options, ensuring that players who choose them do not become overpowered.3. Useful for roleplaying: The book provides guidance on how to play exalted characters, helping players understand the motivations and behaviors of these heroic figures.

Cons of 3.5 Book of Exalted Deeds

1. Limited appeal: The book caters to a specific playstyle and may not be useful for players who prefer darker themes or antiheroes.2. Requires DM approval: Some aspects of the book, such as the celestial template, require DM approval and may not be allowed in all games.3. Not comprehensive: The book does not cover all aspects of the game and may require additional supplements to fully flesh out an exalted character.

Table Comparison

Below is a table comparing the key features of exalted characters to regular characters in D&D 3.5:| Aspect | Exalted Character | Regular Character ||-----------------------|-------------------|---------------------|| Alignment | Always good | Any alignment || Powers | Divine spells, smiting evil, holy aura | Arcane spells, sneaking, backstabbing || Skills | Diplomacy, Knowledge (religion), Sense Motive | Hide, Move Silently, Pick Locks || Equipment | Holy symbols, magic weapons, holy water | Thieves' tools, poisons, traps || Roleplaying | Heroic, selfless, defender of the innocent | Self-interested, morally ambiguous, mercenary |


- D&D 3.5: Refers to the third edition of the Dungeons and Dragons tabletop roleplaying game.- Exalted: A term used in the book to describe characters who embody the ideals of good and righteousness.- Character classes: Refers to the different archetypes that players can choose for their characters, such as fighter, wizard, or cleric.- Feats: Special abilities that characters can gain as they level up.- Spells: Magic spells that characters can cast using their spellcasting ability.- Magical items: Artifacts and equipment that provide magical bonuses to characters.- DM approval: Refers to the need for the Dungeon Master (DM) to approve certain aspects of the game, such as new character options or homebrew rules.

Closing Message for Visitors About 3.5 Book of Exalted Deeds

After discussing the contents of the 3.5 Book of Exalted Deeds, we hope that our readers have gained a better understanding of the book's purpose and significance in the world of Dungeons and Dragons. This book is a valuable resource for players who want to incorporate moral and ethical themes into their campaigns and characters.

In conclusion, the 3.5 Book of Exalted Deeds provides a framework for players to explore the concept of goodness in their games. It offers rules and guidelines for characters who strive to do good and uphold moral values, as well as options for those who wish to play villains or morally ambiguous characters.

Furthermore, the book introduces new spells, classes, feats, and magic items that can enhance the gameplay experience and add depth to characters. The new classes such as the Radiant Servant of Pelor and the Holy Liberator provide players with unique abilities and powers that reflect their devotion to good causes.

Moreover, the spells and magic items in the book are designed to aid characters in their quests for righteousness. Spells such as 'Heal' and 'Restoration' enable players to restore health and cure diseases, while magic items such as the Holy Avenger sword and the Ring of Regeneration provide powerful bonuses to players who use them.

Another important aspect of the 3.5 Book of Exalted Deeds is its focus on roleplaying and character development. The book encourages players to think deeply about their characters' motivations and beliefs, and to consider how their actions affect the world around them. It also provides suggestions for incorporating moral dilemmas and ethical quandaries into gameplay, which can lead to engaging and thought-provoking scenarios.

Additionally, the book includes advice for Dungeon Masters who want to run campaigns with a moral or ethical focus. It offers tips on creating villains who embody evil and darkness, as well as suggestions for incorporating themes of redemption and salvation into the story. The book also provides guidelines for running campaigns with a religious or spiritual emphasis, which can add depth and richness to the game world.

Overall, the 3.5 Book of Exalted Deeds is a valuable resource for players and Dungeon Masters alike. It provides a wealth of options and ideas for exploring the concept of goodness in the game world, and it encourages players to think deeply about their characters and the choices they make. Whether you are a veteran player or a newcomer to the game, we highly recommend this book as a must-have addition to your D&D library.

Thank you for reading our article on the 3.5 Book of Exalted Deeds. We hope that you found it informative and helpful, and that it has inspired you to explore the world of Dungeons and Dragons further. Remember to always strive for the greater good, and may your adventures be filled with heroism and valor!

People also ask about the 3.5 Book of Exalted Deeds

What is the 3.5 Book of Exalted Deeds?

The 3.5 Book of Exalted Deeds is a supplement for the third edition of Dungeons & Dragons, published by Wizards of the Coast in 2003. It is one of three books in the Alignment series, the others being the Book of Vile Darkness and the Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss.

What does the 3.5 Book of Exalted Deeds add to the game?

The 3.5 Book of Exalted Deeds adds a new type of character alignment called exalted, which represents a commitment to goodness, purity, and justice. It also introduces new spells, magic items, prestige classes, and rules for creating and playing divine characters.

What is the difference between exalted and other alignments?

Exalted characters are even more devoted to good than characters with the good alignment. They are expected to uphold a strict moral code, and are rewarded with special abilities and powers for doing so. However, they are also held to a higher standard of behavior, and can lose their exalted status if they act in an unvirtuous manner.

Can non-divine characters use the content in the book?

Yes, many of the spells, magic items, and prestige classes in the 3.5 Book of Exalted Deeds can be used by any character, regardless of alignment or religious affiliation. However, some of the content is specifically tailored to divine characters or characters with the exalted alignment.

Is the 3.5 Book of Exalted Deeds considered official canon?

Yes, the 3.5 Book of Exalted Deeds is an official supplement published by Wizards of the Coast. However, like all supplements, it is up to the individual Dungeon Master to decide whether or not to use its content in their game.

Is there a newer version of the Book of Exalted Deeds?

No, the 3.5 Book of Exalted Deeds is the most recent version of the supplement. Fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons does not have an equivalent book, although some of the concepts from the Book of Exalted Deeds have been incorporated into the game's core rules.